Become a Technology Hero: Introducing the Singular XQ HeroCorp

Become a Technology Hero: Introducing the Singular XQ HeroCorp
Photo by Denise Jans / Unsplash

Our first live bi-monthly interest meeting for Singular XQ HeroCorp is here. In it, we will give you an overview of all the opportunities there are to work as mentors, engineers, designers, thinkers, and helpers of all kinds on open source initiatives in health care, the arts, education, sustainability, Blockchain for Good, and AI and ML experience.

It's been fun lately, moving fast and breaking things. However, it's a new season. Some folks are getting speeding tickets. Some folks have wrecked the car (this is not a Tesla joke, but it could be). It's time to slow down and repair things.

And we've got the people with the mops, the wrenches, the winches, and the buckets.

We've met over 75 people since we opened the doors for volunteers. Not all of you ramped up to becoming fully participating members, and that's ok. You are already a hero if you are thinking about the common good instead of the revenue drivers. We are still happy to get to know you because we are about that. Humans.

Actually, humanity.

Why that word? Don Norman's book covers that pretty well, and we follow in his footsteps. Turns out "user" centricity meant a tiny, privileged class of people. As that group grew, we realized we needed to pay more attention to how Silicon Valley tech has impacted the globe and the humans who inhabited it. So many of us are...

Changing direction.
Course Correcting.
Using a different compass.

We are redefining what "humanity-centered" tech is. What does having open source and robust digital commons protected from pillaging mean? How about we reposition emerging tech to benefit everyone?

Because innovation is a community product. We like the leaders and the unique folks who stepped out and who, as Apple inspired us to do, "Think Different." But we also know that none of them--not one--did so in a vacuum without the democracy of humans living, dead, and not yet conceived.

If you ignore that community, pretend it doesn't exist. Ignore the past and the democracy of the dead, who offer us the lessons we all need to learn so that we aren't doomed to repeat catastrophe... will most certainly fail.

Like Don, we are calling for a more excellent way.

It starts with education and innovation, offered freely for the common good.

From people who understand that upskilling for Cogsworth Cogs or Mr. Spacely's Space Sprockets (Western Gen-X-pop culture references are my vice) isn't going to help us advance. At best, it will help us stand still more and more.

At worst, it will move us backward.

So the time is now. Get involved! Sign up here for free tickets. There will be interest meetings every two months.

We can't wait to meet you.


The Teammates You Didn't Know You Had at Singular XQ HeroCorp.

Become a Technology Hero: Interest Meeting for Singular XQ Hero Corp
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

Link to Free Tickets