Q2 Signal Session: PUBLIC UPDATE

Q2 Signal Session: PUBLIC UPDATE
The Signal Session banner with Chief Operating Advisor Laura Massa

Hello there! I’m Laura, the Founding Operating Advisor. I’m delighted to have you here. We’ve been working tirelessly since 2023 to make people wonder and inspire them with our innovative approach.

Beginning of the Year

At the beginning of the year, we set an ambitious goal. We wanted to double our metrics by 2024. I’m proud to say that we’re on the right path.

Q1 Performance

At the beginning of Q1, we had 823 followers on our LinkedIn homepage. By the end our subscriber count was 1334. We also had 55 Spotify subscribers who played our content 1.3 times on average. We increased all metrics by 23 % with an astonishing engagement rate of 52%. You all must be doing something right.

Q2 Strategy

Our strategy is simple - focus on engagement and growth. We decided to emphasize Patreon, where we have six members with three paying members. We realized that we were using a lot of different places to raise money, and it was time to focus on one platform, Patreon. We will be using a tool to integrate so it will be as seamless as possible. Might be rocky. We will get there.

Task Completion and Accomplishments

Our team has also been working hard behind the scenes. We have completed 14 strategic tasks across various categories: operations, knowledge capital index, project unicorn, content strategy, and mission statement revision.

Our team members Iqra Maryiam, Chinue Govan Clifford, Laura Massa, Michael Vaughn, Archana Shah, Guissoo Nabavian, Rebekah Grace Potts, and EJ have contributed significantly to these tasks.

I join JP in being incredibly proud of our accomplishments. We have developed a fundraising strategy for 2024, reviewed and improved our Cross-Cultural Communication Course, initiated Project Unicorn to enhance the international student experience, revised our mission statement, and overhauled our content strategy.

A special welcome to our new team members - Tom, Malik, and Meryem. The joined us at the end of the quarter but we already see horizon signals that these A players are going to be significant contributors.

Will Ferrel playing a president and mispronouncing strategy as "Strategy." Will is one of our unofficial mascots. Will, if you read this, call me, maybe?

Looking Ahead - STRATEGY

There's no time to rest on our laurels. It's time to talk about our future strategy.

Our vision is to support universities' mission to provide a well-rounded educational experience beyond mere hard skills acquisition. Our mission is to accelerate the digital transformation of the university in ways that empower the students and the educational mission.

To achieve this vision and mission, we plan to rebrand as an institute and hold more in-person events. We will hire a new marketing consultant to work on commission, plan the first boot camp and destination retreat, and host more podcasts. We also plan to hire a Working Board Chair.

We also have our upcoming Q2 Sprint Cadence - SpaceballsThe Sprint. Stay tuned for more details.

Financials and Sprint Cadence

While progressing towards our goals, we are mindful of our financial situation. We will continue to manage our finances responsibly while maintaining a steady sprint cadence and contributing members you can expect to see those in your inboxes shortly.

How you can help

1) Sign up for Patreon or Ghost if you haven't already. Free is fine. Paid is even better if you are in a position to do so.

2) Share, like, follow and subscribe on our Linked In page, on JPs page and share out the newsletter for more subscribers. For now 99% of the material in the premium tier is also in the free tier. We'd like to see if we can keep it that way and still attract supporting subscribers. Let's see what happens.

3) Connect people to us. If you have people in your network connect them to the content and events.

Once again, thank you for showing up and supporting our journey. Your support is what motivates us to strive for success.

Remember, we're constantly making people wonder what we're up to. The mystery is a strength. The kind of humorous irony is how transparent we actually are, but mystery intrigues and we want to build on that. Stay tuned for more updates!