Singular XQ Ep 2: Bryan Miller, Founder mBolsa

Episode 2: Bryan Miller, Founder mBolsa

Singular XQ Ep 2: Bryan Miller, Founder mBolsa
Bryan Miller, pictured, Found, and CEO of mBolsa

Episode 2: Bryan Miller, Founder mBolsa

Have you ever noticed that when people present or write about innovation, they often use dark space to indicate the unknown future? It’s usually darkness penetrated by little nodes of light representing connection and data in a field of the black unknown. It’s a marketing technique used to generate a sense of technophobia so that we can sell you the solution. The headlines persuade us that this dark unknown future is accurate: the erosion of privacy, the growing influence of “Big Tech,” and the ethical problems of creating a society addicted to screens.

All of these concerns are real. Technology presents a clear and present danger to the world as we know it.

But technology also gives us a lot of reasons to be optimistic.

Because I like to share this optimism and promote other people who share it, I invited Bryan Miller to be our second guest on Singular XQ. Bryan has joined the movement to create a borderless world with a more level playing field. Innovation doesn’t just have to make the rich richer; it can lower the barrier to entry in business and finance and give us the power to deliver an economy based more on global inclusivity than ever before.

Bryan’s mission with mBolsa is to serve the unbanked and get more people a seat at the table serving credit and financial services. As he said in a recent interview with Global Finance, offering credit and financial education in Latin America “can really have transformative power to the individual, and thus through extension to the society as a whole.”

With the usual format of “Five Cool Things About….” Bryan and I talk about anti-fragility and FinTech and why serving the unbanked might be a big piece of the current industrial revolution.