Singular XQ Podcast 4.33: Mark Vicente on identifying patterns of coercive control in the workplace

Singular XQ Podcast 4.33: Mark Vicente on identifying patterns of coercive control in the workplace
Mark Vicente and Dr. Jennifer Pierce "Are tech start-ups coercive cults?"

The one about escaping narcissistic cults and how it could be like joining a tech start-up

The one about escaping narcissitic cults and how it could be like joining a tech start-up.

This episode is a long time coming. I meet Mark late last year after I reached out through his podcast. I was one of the riveted audience members for the HBO documentary The Vow during the pandemic and developed an intense interest in the case as I conducted a comparative study between it, Theranos, and WeWork

I hope to someday publish this research as it illuminates the mechanism of action in which the most high-human cost white collar crime can occur and has implications for governance, policy, and how we approach innovation management. What's fascinating to me about NXVIM in particular in contrast to other cults that are in the public consciousness is the way it consciously or unconsciously imitated the progpaganda of technology firms.

The training the offered was a derivative set of ideas influenced by several other organizations throughout human history, but mostly modeled on a combination of MLM, neurolingusitc programming and Scientology. They always referred to it as "the tech." Which is funny because when we worked with some venture capital advisors the would repeat that over and over. Well, people will fund "the tech." And of course, that is precisely how most fraudulent tech start-ups operate by mystifying and creating layers of complication around existing tech referring to it as the IP or the tech. Raniere also paid to pursue patents for his "tech."

When I met Mark, we hit is off, and he generously accepted an invitation to come on the air. I was a little apprehensive. Through the well directed and executed documentary, based on a lot of Mark's documentation of the organization, I developed a deep admiration for Vicente's wife Bonnie, Sarah Edmonson, her partner Nippy, and Mark, among others. Their bravery and compassion led to the exposure of a damaging cult that hurt many innocent and vulnerable people and had plans to scale and grow into terrifying scopes and agendas, including an army of women who would seduce leaders and secure blackmail material on them This is something I am starting to think of as the Epstein modus operandi. Sexual activity and sexual secrets as collateral and axes of control and it is a process alive and well in technology start-ups.

Because of this respect, I wanted to honor Mark's experience and avoid re-triggering any of the issues that caused so much suffering in his life in the life of others he cared for. I also must tell you: he is exactly the way he comes across in the documentary. I interviewed 5 hard core fans of the documentary series and although this was qualitative and not quantitative, there was wide consensus that Mark comes across as an idealistic protagonist, led astray by his desire to do good in the world. He even stayed loyal to both his wife and the organization when Bonnie first, "woke up," a sign of his integrity and commitment. Watching his and Sarah's dawning awareness and activating to do the right thing and join his wife was an intriguing flower to watch unfold.

He comes across exactly the same way in person and has been fascinating to talk to on the air and off. Highly recommend joining his Patreon insider community for the quality of the discussions that happen there in a blend of history, fascination with social phenomenon, and art-making. Tune in and liste to this one on your next commute or workout.

For more on Mark Vicente's work:
Upcoming documentary:
Mark's podcast: WTF is On My Mind?
Mark's Course on Decoding Narcissists and Cults
Mark's Patreon: