Singular XQ Quarterly Update

Singular XQ Quarterly Update

Readers, we have such lofty goals for Singular XQ, but our goals are not yet our current reality. We are still raising money and developing revenue streams. If you want to help, please consider upgrading to the paid version of this newsletter or supporting the podcast at our Patreon. However, we do not wait for perfect conditions to keep the momentum going and continue. As the acting Executive Director, I'm content with our progress. As the Founder, I have an unshakable faith that we are going along precisely as we should. The link is here if you are not already a paid subscriber or a comped member. If times are tough, still stick with us. Your engagement means all to us. Without further ado...our Q1 UPDATE and the SIGNAL for Q2.

Singular XQ Updates

Soon, we hope to livestream our quarterly "Signal Sessions" so that people can both participate and view recordings of our quarterly updates and roadmap planning. We also hope to have nicely designed and easy-to-read reports from these sessions. For now, this newsletter update will stand in for those loftier goals. Here are the top five takeaways from the outcomes of the previous quarter, which set the direction for Q2. Thanks for sticking with us. We are a diffuse, distributed, and decentralized network of mostly volunteer folks. As a result, our communication reflects that. As we converge on a future vision, it will begin to consolidate, and the signal will emerge amidst the noise, louder and clearer than ever.

Top Five Outcomes from Q1

1) We have arrived at a clearer mission focused on education, research, and development.

We are still doing most of the activities we always have, but we found this a clearer message. It's a clothesline that people can hang a variety of outfits on. However, the clothesline is the throughline. You will see a lot of announcements about small, medium, and large learning opportunities in the coming quarter. Stay tuned.

2) We re-branded the volunteer network as the HeroCorps.

Singular XQ has among its volunteers three distinct bodies, all of which have open slots (reach out if you are interested):

a) A Core Advisory Board: a working advisory board giving hands-on leadership advice to the internal executive team, an average of 5 hours a month.

b) A General Advisory Board, busy field leaders supporting with their network, and occasional expertise a couple of times a year.

c) A HeroCorps of researchers, mentors, engineers, developers, and designers. These special folks are the people who put boots on the ground in acts of service and leadership 2-3 hours a week. Our HeroCorps currently has 14 active participants. Look for an information video coming soon through this newsletter about how you can become a technology hero working on projects that matter.

3) We completed another residency at Cornell Studio Design Lab. Our student team is delivering a redesigned website and information architecture next month.

One of our new HeroCorps members, Mereyem, has volunteered to act as midwife and mentor to the vision they co-created with us; we are targeting the end of June for the delivery of a first version of it. We have moved domains to What's there now is a placeholder. Stay tuned for the rest.

4) We've developed a more sustainable plan for support services for our members who have sustained workplace traumas or who experience other barriers to employment in tech.

There are early bird members already benefiting. We provide professional coaches, advocates, and we hope soon, volunteer legal advice. We provide hands-on, one-on-one coaching and what Chief Operating Advisor Laura Massa calls "personal power" advocacy for people who feel the most disenfranchised. Frequently, these are the people whom the industry needs the most. See more in Q2 about personal power and our services. It's still case by case only—but if you feel you may benefit from our services, I'm accessible on LinkedIn or by email. We have been helping with contracts, negotiation, navigating workplace dramas, improving resumes and applications, and helping people move toward their career goals regardless of the quality of their current employment. Tech needs you. Don't let a feeling of being cast off or dismissed allow you to leave. We can help.

5) All of our engagement across all channels improved by almost 25% since Q4 of 2023

You heard that right. Our newsletters (four in total—including this one) and our podcast all individually increased by 23%. It was strangely symmetrical, but we found this a promising sign that we are rowing in the right direction. Thank you—if you are reading this, you made this possible. Even if supporting us financially isn't possible, engaging encourages other donors, big and small, to direct their funds our way because it signals our impact.

Coming soon:

  1. More LinkedIn Live Sessions and a lot more video content.

  2. Our ROCKSTAR season 4 podcast drops in a couple of weeks. We are SO excited.

  3. A new special edition podcast watch party of the HBO special Silicon Valley. It will feature a stable of rotating guest hosts and be co-hosted by me and Technology Advisor, Aaron. This is going to be fun. Fan of the show? Or want to watch with us as a newbie? Hit me up. We have plenty of open slots.

  4. We have a mystery special mission team forming to market some of our first interactive courses and a top-secret, destination, live event at an undisclosed location. :) Stay tuned. I promise you are going to want to know about this one.

Once again—thank you. Engagement keeps us going even when some of our bigger obstacles seem insurmountable.

Stay Curious,